Friday, February 28, 2014

Just Be Brave

Last month's theme was Just Be Brave.  In our class we brainstormed different ways of being brave.  Bravery is something you face when you are scared.  You are also brave when you try something new.  Some examples that we had are:  skydiving, being in the dark, jumping from a high diving board and acting on stage.

Sometimes we get into situations with friends and classmates where we have to be brave.  When you go to a new school and you do not know anyone it can be hard.  It can also be hard, when you have a new student, to go over and say hello. If someone is bullying you or a friend you can stand up to the bully.  If you are playing with someone else's toy and you break it, you can be brave by telling the truth.  If you and your friends get in trouble at school or at home, telling the truth is the best thing to do.  Being brave is very important.  It is a good quality to learn in life.

In our class, we made posters for Just Be Brave.  In our posters, we put pictures of when we could be brave or when we were brave.  We wrote a sentence to explain what was happening in our picture.  We also listened to songs that talk about bravery.  Two of the songs we listened to were Brave by Sara Bareilles and Stand Up by Mike Tompkins.

Stay tuned for our blog about Just Be Compassionate!

Ms. Johnson's Great, Smart and wonderful Grade 2/3 students


Vocabulary City

In our morning routines, we rotate between PWIM and Poem of the Week.  During Poem of the Week, one of the things that we do is pick out the juicy words in the poem that are hard for us to understand.  We will put our juicy words into Vocabulary City to help us practice and learn those words throughout the week.

PWIM is a Picture Word Induction Model, where we pick out words that we can find in a picture. When we do PWIM, we focus on different parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) when finding words.  Every day we do something different with these words;  we make lists, we put the words into sentences, practice our hand writing and printing, and other activities.  We then put the words into Vocabulary City so that we can have more practice with these words.

I know this Vocabulary City has an APP that is free on tablets and apple products.  If you would like to check it out I have saved the last two word lists so that the students can play around with them.

Click on here to get there:

Vocabulary City
Password: grade23

Feel free to check it out.

Holly Johnson